Monday 9 August 2010

camper porn and other news

so the last time i blogged, i believe i mentioned something about a bit of a catch-up.  really, it's just that there are one or two minor things i meant to blog about and just never got round to it.  what can i say?  i'm like good pastry - flaky.  however, i'll start with things uppermost and see where i go from there...

continuing the love affair with Talulah.  *sigh*

something we never thought about before we bought Taulah, something that never even crossed our minds, is that VeeDubs are rather special creatures.  yes, they are beautiful design classics, and iconic in their own way. yes, they are veeeeery fasionable (as, of course, they damn well should be - there are, after all, some people left in the world who have taste and discernment... ;). and yes they are, of course, camper vans.
and that's what we thought we were buying: a camper van.  a very pretty and well looked-after camper van, but a camper van, nontheless.  and, of course, we did.

however, stealing over us a little more every day since we bought her has been A Realisation.

Talulah is a Classic Vehicle.  one of those things you see at shows and on driveways, being polished to within an inch of their mechanical life.  and now, we've got one.  by default, yes, but we have one.

now we have to look after her.

oh, gods - we have to put fuel in her!

something we never thought to check is the rate at which these things drink fuel.  oh, my - Talulah is a thirsty girl!  she did 22 miles per gallon....  when she was brand spanking new!!!


so the plan was to use her in much the same way we used Isobel.  *cough*   kinda not really practical.  notwithstanding the cost in fuel and maintenance (hubby drives 40 miles a day on a filthydirty road that's caked in salt in the wintertime - EEK!), we don't want to wear out her poor engine.

Enter Plan B (no - not the band - do keep up)

there is a very nice old lady a few doors down from us that was my beloved and much missed Nana's best friend for over 50 years.  she's agreed to rent us some space on her driveway.  we are also buying a runaround from some good friends.  this little thing is about as generic as you could get as far as cars are concerned (therefore extremely cheap and easy to maintain) and, moreover, does about 60 to the gallon.


so when the weather gets shitty, we will tuck Talulah up on her lovely cozy Tarmac (with a cover, natch), and use her only on weekends - to keep her ticking over.  and now, despite the fact that the vehicles in this family will soon outnumber the humans by a factor of 1.5 : 1, i don't feel the sliiiightest bit guilty about that.  no siree bob, i do not.  because sitting on that driveway a few doors down is all of our holidays for at least the next three years.  hopefully much, much longer.  and she is a work of art.

ok, i'm done now.  i promise i will try veryvery hard to not post any more pics of our baby.


and so - in other news or, as it's more accurately known....

Random Stuff. *checks pic folders for Stuff I Have Done Recently*

several weeks ago, we went on a work outing to Stratford-Upon-Avon because...  well, frankly, it was a cheap day out, and we thought it would be interesting to go there and see how well we could avoid Shakespeare.  we did pretty well, actually, we did Pub, Shoe Shopping, and....

Making New Friends.

Hippy Hubby talkin' to teh animals

Squeaky and friend (look at the butterfly - not the face!  aaargh!!! *hides*)

The Art Of Disguise
seriously - how cool is this little dude?!

t'was quite a jolly day.  didn't do much, but it was relaxing.


even more weeks ago, on a miserable, drizzly saturday, we went to Derby musem.  haven't been there since my grandad used to take us as kids, 25 years ago.  ever wondered what 25 years' wrth of dust looks like...?  nope, me neither.  i found out, though, as some of the exhibitions really were the same ones i used to look at as a kid.  there was some stuff in there that i was dreadfully bored by as a kid that was fascinating now, but that's to be expected, right?  oddly, though, and slightly worryingly, the most fascinating object in the entire place was part of an exhibition of stuff that was found in an old chemist shop before it was demolished recently.  viz, this:

i have a low pain threshold, and i hate having injections, but for reasons i have not examined too closely, i found this absolutely fascinating, and very beautiful.  i actually spent a good ten minutes with my nose pressed up against the glass, trying to imagine what something this delicate would feel like, sliding into my flesh...


lastly (i'll tell you about the curtains and the slightly haunted sewing machine another time...) there is a new addition to our interior decor.  finally, finally, i have bookshelves of my very own.  my wonderful and clever hubby made them for me, and i cannot express how happy it makes me.  seriously - i actually cried when i saw them all finished and mine all mine.

*happy sigh*


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