Monday 1 February 2010


From where i stand in an overbright shop doorway, waiting for my bus, i can see the moon heading down the sky. She is framed between two buildings, and is stunningly beautiful. There's a slight haze of cloud, and the silhouette of a winter tree branch stands out again. Early mornings can sometimes be good for the soul, as well as keeping your flexi time in credit...
I wasn't going to tell you about that, though. I was going to tell you of my sleep. Or lack thereof. Coz, y'know, sometimes i go to bed forgetting to remove my contact lenses. As i did last night. And woke up about one am, going "Aaarrrgh!!!" Then immediately obeyed my instinct and got them off my eyeballs. Which the optician told me i should never do, as they are dry at that point, and stick to your eyeballs. Eurgh! Anyway. I obeyed my instinct, thus damaging my eyesight a tiny bit more. This is why i am generally suspicious of my instincts.... But i digress. So then i lay there for a good hour or so. My whole body aching, begging and screaming for sleep. And unable to close my eyes properly, because they hurt too much. Eventually, though, i did get to sleep, only to be woken again at about 5 by the central heating kicking in. This time, however, i was grateful. I had been dreaming that my feckless stepsons had brought a red setter round to the house, and it ate our rat, Mango. And i saw it all in slow motion. And there was one moment when i could have stopped it, and i didn't. And she looked into my eyes as that dog swallowed her. I am fully aware of the many innocuous things that produced this dream, but they don't change the fact that it was REALLY upsetting, for all sorts of reasons. So before i cry, i will note that before i woke to the agony caused by my own useless forgetting brain, i was dreaming that i was running naked through a country house hotel, and that i appear to be getting better at being naked in my dreams....

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