Saturday 27 February 2010

whatever works for you

there's been quite a few retweets of this link on the all-conquering twitter just recently.  it's an entertaining read, not least because a lot of the writers seem to contradict each other, or there are exceptions cited for each rule, or other discrepancies.  now, maybe i didn't read it carefully enough, but it seemed to me that there were few agreements on what you definitely should or should not do to produce good writing, whether novel, short story or shopping list.  and it seemed to confirm something i've always felt about creative endeavour in general.  everyone is different, everyone creates what they do from, ultimately, the inside of their own head.  and the inside of every single person's head is sooo different, there's no way anyone can write hard-and-fast rules that everyone should follow.  or maybe that's just the way i write?  i'll always look at this sort of thing, if only because, somewhere in there, ther may just be a shining nugget of truth in there, amongst the other stuff (which i won't call dross, 'coz it ain't - just doesn't work for me. "You tell me your truth, and i'll tell you mine"...).  seriously, you can take advice until the cows come home, but then you have to filter it through what works for you.  try it, of course, but don't be disappointed or surprised if it doesn't.  stay open.  to incomings and outgiongs both.  be prepared to let stuff go if it doesn't work for you.  always stay open.
anyway - stating the obvious as usual.  sorry

the much-abused isobel is still with the garage.  no idea what stage she's at, as she'll be done when she's done, and there's NO WAY ON EARTH that we're going to do anything that could be perceived as putting any kind of pressure on to those that are fixing the hash they made the first time.  such as phoning for an update. 
*deep breath* *lets it out sowly* 
patience, Squeaky, all will be well.

been utterly shattered again this week.  the internal alarm clock is still WAY out, (gaah!).  also, i've been doing this STUPID thing at work which i just haven't got the energy to rant about and, anyway, why bother?  it is a feature of my workplace that some overpaid wanker will be drafted in to "improve the business" (n.b. it's not a business, ok? - that's just crappy management speak), and will reccommend the removal of a working system and replacement of said sysstem by something that...well...doesn't. 

oops - rant-avoidance fail.  oh well, at least it was only a little one, eh? *grin*

mind you, i've had a very restful day today.  no mad typing marathons, and managed to stay in bed and doze until a proper, proper saturday morning time (i.e. 10:30-ish - not managed that for weeks).  then, we went out and spent quite a lot of money (retail therapy - yeah!)
to begin with, we bought a new shower,as the one we have is probably 25 - 30 years old, and it's given its all.    it is knackered, bolloxed, and utterly, utterly kaput.  it is an ex-shower.  it's never been exactly red-hot in cold weather, but this winter? 
ok, i'm a wuss.  i admit it.  i love my Lushy showers, but i absolutely draw the line at lukewarm showers in winter.  when it's cold outside, i want heat!  i want steam, dammit!  i want the bathroom to be so full of steam that i can't see the door by the time i've finished! 
so - guess what hubby's doing tomorrow? 
and guess what i'm doing as soon as he's finished? 
oh, gods, i'm sooo looking forward to a properly hot shower.  i don't think i've had one since the autumn.
oh, YES!!!  damn me, those lovely Lushy things are gonna get some hammer, i can tell you! ^_^

ahem.  sorry.

anyway - the other drain on the wallet was a new toy for hubby. 
he loves his PS2.  he loved his PS as well.  but, of course, there's a new one out these days.  now, he's quite prepared to wait until his PS2 kicks the bucket before he upgrades, but, well... 
see, there's this game that my stepchildren brought round when they came to stay for a couple of days last christmas.  now, The Tribe are - or can be - EXTREMELY argumentative, and drive us completely insane with alarming frequency.  especially when they are all three together, with us, in our teeny weeny living room.  everyone gets under everyone else's feet, and on everyone else's nerves.  i don't mind admitting it, i was dreading the christmas visit. 
but the game. 
the game saved us. 
i have never, i mean NEVER, had such fun for such a sustained length of time with all three of 'em.  in fourteen years.  i swear (frequently, actually, but that's not what i meant), there wasn't a cross word spoken, like, all weekend
it was like i'd wandered into somebody else's family.
this game was that Beatles Rock Band thingy.  there were all the instruments and what have you, and all these songs that are like a part of the fabric of the family (since we are both big fans, we've played them all of the kids' lives - they know them almost as well as we do).  and everyone played the instruments, and a jolly good time was had by all.
now, everyone wanted to play the drums (i won't say everyone wanted to be Ringo, because, let's face it - hes a bit of an arse, innit?).  but everyone (wait for it...) TOOK TURNS!!!
seriously - this just doesn't happen amongst The Tribe (despite the fact that they are 16, 18 and 20). 
ever since, hubby has, every now and again, been pretending to play the drums, and (i know the look in his eye) thought wistfully of the day his PS2 finally cacks it and he gets to - with a clear conscience - go spend lots of money on a shiny new console and game.
i've been trying to persuade him that he really doesn't need to wait if he waaannnttssssss it, preciousssssss.  and boy, does he want it!  so, that was what else we spent lots of money on today.  and that's just fine by me.

and now he's repeatedly draping my newly darned self-knitted socks (ah'm sooooo proud of mah old skool skillz!) over my head so i can't see the screen.  excuse me whilst i go and explain, pointedly, why he should stop....

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