Sunday 7 February 2010

why does it feel like i've been away for ages?...

...because it really does.

business first:

I tried to blog on thursday morning, but did it from my phone, cocked it up, and blogger ate the post.
this is probably a good thing, actually. i had insomnia on wed night, and i was in the foulest mood you could possibly imagine. no - worse than that, honestly. i was ready to up sticks and move to Mongolia or something. i'd REALLY had enough.
Thursday was A Bad Day.
however, through the intervention of The World's Most Wonderful Woman (what i did to deserve my best friend, i shall never know!), with tea and sympathy, i suddenly felt reborn, energised and fresh as a daisy. This is a woman who has more common sense and wisdom than i could aquire in ten centenarian lifetimes. she is a transcendent, shining star.
friday had me bouncing off the walls with joy and sunshine, my emotional armour fully repaired and gleaming. *beams*
so saturday, i actually felt ready, for the first time in aaaages to go climbing. was a total whimp having been away from it for over three months, but it was still good. managed a couple of hours, and i even think i managed a Grade 5+ (though it may only have been a 5. ah, who cares? the actually getting to alter-rock and doing it was the important bit! anyway...)
(an aside - can anyone tell me how to add hyperlinks to this effing thing?! 0.o)

today, we made the list of faults with isobel, our poor misused camper van. she went in last november for a paint job and came out with, well, a travesty. she was supposed to have been stripped right down to the bare metal, welded, knackered panels replaced, and painted a black cherry purple. however... this Did Not Happen. boy, were we furious!
garage bloke was very embarrassed when we showed him, and told us to make a list of all that was wrong. and so, we did:

Rust @bottom corner of driver’s side windscreen
Washer jets and wipers not removed – only taped around (old paint can be seen)
Bottom radiator grill fell off – not been screwed on properly / screws missing
End cap on passenger side of bumper not secured. Falls off when knocked
Overspray on headlights
Driver’s side – front
Rust coming through on wheel arch
Step rusty and not under sealed
Rust in L. corner door sill
Door handles not removed, only taped
Roof gully - silicone
Driver’s side – middle
Rusty all the way along the bottom
White can be seen around water fill cap
Driver’s side – back panel
Rust coming out both ends of slider gully
No rubber seal for slider gully cover
Can see original paintwork around window seal
Overspray on to back window seal
Rust patches all along bottom edge of back door
White paint can be seen around lock
Rear door does not close easily or correctly
Passenger side rear
Sliding gully completely rotten
No rubber seal on sliding gully cover
Wheel arch not under sealed
End cap on passenger side of bumper not secured. Falls off when knocked
Sliding door
Bearings on door slider mechanism need replacement (this occasionally makes the door fall off)
Sliding window should be in driver’s side (middle)
Roof gully rusty all the way along
Rust all along the bottom of this part
Rust and old paint still present around the window aperture
Passenger side - front
Rust around door handle
Rust in R corner of door sill
Rust coming through on wheel arch
Step rusty and no underseal
Patchy paintwork and poor finish throughout – needs stripping back to bare metal and painying, as originally agreed.
Seals around all windows / sliding door missing
Door locks not connected to locking buttons

i think this will give them plenty to go at - don't you?...

now: pleasure ^_^

two main pleasures today (aside from the little ones like tea and cigarettes, and hubby unexpectedly presenting me with chocolate :)

pleasure #1 was read in a blog called "Moments of Genius" appears i've been given a blogging award (already! :-O ), by the lovely, lovely Grace Onorato, who really is one of the sweetest people i've ever come across. it's a Sunshine Award, and is for

" writers and commenters whose words bring joy to their readers and those whose blogs they comment on."

Grace, thankyou from the bottom of my warm fuzzied heart. you are a joy to know, my dear, and i am privileged beyond words. ^_^

now, there are instructions on her blog on what i need to do next, but i'm such a pathetic noob i can't follow them (sorry, honey), coz i cannot make the interwebz dance to my tune. ...YET... (more on that in a moment). however, here they are, along with her awardees (hope this works):

Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or within the post.
2. Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received the award by posting on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

And the winners of my Sunshine Awards are (in no particular order):
1. William: William's Poetry Blog
2. Dorkvader: The Dork Side
3. Sqeaky: an earthbound misfit
4. Shelly: Shell's Musings
5. Lynda 'n Kara: She Wears Heels While Exercising
6. Kevin: 12k on Black
7. Badgerpendous: Badgerpendous Is
9. Sushi: Sushimustwrite
10. Journalwriter: Journalwriter
11. Bethany: Shooting Stars
12. Mackleen: Left-Handed People Cry Too

hmmm...ok, that *seems* to have worked...
...but i don't know HOW to follow any of the rules! i can't even cut and paste in the damn picture! :o(

but am still thrilled to receive the award, so thankyou once again, lovely Grace. :o)

pleasure #2 comes from the fact that i actually appear to be able to write a decent story.

i have sent (with much trepidation and general trembling) my 2008 NaNoWriMo novel to a good twitterfriend named Jens Khun. i've only known him a few weeks, but because i loved HIS book ("Gunboat Number 14 - check it out - i dare you not to adore the lovely Anna, and will fight you if you don't...), and he appeared to like a short story i had written a while ago (based on the book "Who Killed Amanda Palmer" by Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman - undoubtedly the two most loved-up people on the planet right now...), i sent him my novel "Minatour", to see if he liked it. and (judging by his tweets) he's genuinely enjoying it! this fills me with more warm fuzzies.

Today is A Very Happy Day. ^_^

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