Saturday 29 January 2011

30 Day blog challenge: Day... aw hell, who cares...whatever...

like i said - i'm only doing this post so i get to go through 2010's posts to do the year in blog quotes (with apologies for the raggedy layout - blogger's being a shitforbrains).  this is entirely for my own amusement, and i don't expect you to stay awake for it.  in fact...  here - have a pillow.


well - never thought i'd be doing this. it's all Neil Gaiman's fault.

...the notion of being able to give my brain a good fettle is appealing. Y'know, like at the times when I've got thoughts buzzing around my head like a fly in a dark bedroom in summer (i can NEVER sleep when those little bastards get in!).


Soundtrack to this post is Empire by Kasabian, btw. Currently Apnoea. I love that song, despite its puzzling clubness. And a tiny part of that is because apnoea really does take one's breath away, and i kind of associate this with the rush of utter bliss of dancing in a club and one of your favourites comes on, and you're *already* in amongst that heaving, sweating animal on the dancefloor, and damn, it feels GOOD!!!

honestly, i have noooo idea what the neighbours thought as the shrieks of unrestrained joy came echoing through the ridiculously thin wall separating our bathroom from theirs....


Then...the raffle.
When he read out one of my tickets - 606 - I...yes...guess what I did?
The entire room heard it. 200 people - including my hero - heard me squeak with excitement.
I didn't however, have time to die of embarrassment, as a split-second before I could, he looked at me with amused approval, and said "Good squeak!" I could have died on the spot, and gone to the next life (or to the mud) content that this one had been worth it.

well, well, dear reader.  if you were on Twitter this afternoon, round about threeish (BST), you may have seen this:
and, shortly after, this:
*************************EPIC HAPPYDANCE**********************************
that was the sound of me finally, FINALLY!!! finishing the typing up of the bloody WIP.

or maybe i'm just an inveterate chatterbox with a stationary fetish?...
yup, you heard right, dear reader. i am a grandma.  at thirty-three years old.  sheesh!  thanks, guys - way to go! *headsmack*
the only trouble with Harborough is that it's so popular (also, people have been climbing there since the 1800's), many of the holds have been polished to glassy smoothness.  friction?  what's that?  had to be sooo careful!
dear reader, it hath arrived!  the new bike is in da house, and poor Trob is no more. :o(


i have absolutely no idea what this is, other than that it turned up in my head late one night, sometime last week...

i just got my book in the post!!!

just as an aside, it occurs to me to wonder if that's where i keep my story silt, between the shores of sleeping and waking...? 

It may not seem like a big deal but, to me, it’s the signal that, in the words of The Dooberies, summer’s on it’s way. We have a saying in this part of the world:
Ne’er shed a clout*
‘Till May be out
Meaning: don’t discard yer woollies ‘till you see the blossom on the Maytree (hawthorn). Even then, it’s not an absolute guide, since the sun’s just gone in, and I’ve had to slip me cardi back on – the breeze is still pretty cold. But I care not. I care not. Because the warms are nearly here, and I miss being able to expose my skin to the bliss of the sun’s rays.


sadly, i think i'm possibly too old to become any kind of computer/communications geek now, and my mathematical understanding is most assuredly not up to the job.  but i have such a huge admiration for geeks of *every* stripe - not just the electronic ones.  if there's any sort of justice around, never mind the meek inheriting the earth - i think the geeks should.


Fucking hormones.

i keep hitting walls with "OK, smartass, what happens next, then?" scrawled all over them in dripping red paint.
but it's coming.  the working title is utterly crap, and there's already a lot that needs poking, but i still have a connection with it, and ideas for what happens later (without any idea of how i'm going to get from here to there), but it's coming.... :)


*checks pic folders for Stuff I Have Done Recently*

And the concept was always guaranteed to get my attention, having spent so many hours as a child pondering the differences between dreams and reality, and how one could really, *really* tell one from the other. And if that telling would be right. So glad it really *isn't* just me. And the guy who played Eames? Hot damn! *thud* 

we hadn't been there ten minutes before the guy on the pitch next to us was taking pictures of his kids giving the VeeDub wave and saying "Duuuuude!" in their really tiny little voices.  sooooo cute!

seriously - how many places could this door lead to?  on this plane or any other?


there's been a thought washing around in my head this week, and it's this:  i wonder if those ancient greek dudes were really on to something...?  believe it or not, this was prompted by my having my lip pierced.


in case you're wondering, Talulah isn't an all-terrain vehicle, there's a dirt road that leads right through the heart of the forest.  the potholes in said road, however, had me gritting my teeth and screwing my eyes shut waiting for the crunch of a grounding.  thankfully, hubby managed to avoid the deepest ones.

ladies and gentlemen, i take great pleasure in introducing you to Max The Cat.  

Twenty five hours to go. And I have no plot, no characters, no setting, no idea. Fuck yeah! Bring it on, NaNoWriMo!!! :D
P.S. Wish me luck, dear reader, i'm gonna need it... ;)


(no posts due to NaNoWriMo)


so there you have it.  thirty days of slog, and here i am.  the proud author of my THIRD NOVEL!!!
i can hardly believe it, but i've done it again, and i'm a winner again! :D

i was quite pleased that the results were at least readable. i tweeted them (with apologies for how depressing the second one was), and got some generous replies from some very nice people (if you're reading this, thank you all!).  also an injunction never to apologise for having created something.  which was lovely, and made me smile.

hmph.  bah bloody humbug.  oh, well - at least we'll get to see friends we don't see nearly often enough.
although, to be fair to myself, i *did* in fact manage to aquire, wrap and post presents for my brother, sister-in-law and niece in astonishingly good time this year.  was actually quite proud of this achievement (despite the fact that the parcel also contained sis-in-law's birthday present which should have reached her by the 5th of november... *facepalm*) 

soooo...  whilst fighting the cat for posession of my lap and trying to prevent him from treading all over the keyboard, i was perusing the blog of the lady who has been Drabbling so marvellously all over the comments of my previous post (hi Liz! *waves*).  I saw that she was doing a thirty day blog challenge. (...uh...  what happened to that, BTW - xmas get in the way...? *sympathy*), and I thought it might be a somewhat interesting exercise.  i mean - i know hardly anybody ever reads this poor wittering, but perhaps i'll learn something about myself...?  (N.B. added edit:  er....not really, no....)

so christmas is over.  all of the rushing around is done, the presents have been given and received, too much food has been consumed, and life is beginning to show signs of returning to normal.

and so, there you have it, dear reader  - my 2010 in blog quotes.

scintillating, eh...?


1 comment:

  1. "...or maybe i'm just an inveterate chatterbox with a stationary fetish?..."

    is that a polite reference to 'being restrained'?
