Tuesday 11 January 2011

30 day blog challenge: Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently

h'm.  not too many of these, either.  i'm not the most photogenic of bods.

hmmmm.....  *flicks through recent photies*

ok....  here's one.  dreadful photo of me, but then they mostly are.  i chose it coz it's a good one of my pretty kitteh.  ^_^

it's terrifying how much i'm starting to look like my brother as i get older.  >_<

alternatively, there's this one - taken in a bathroom at a wedding i attended in the summer.  i guess that still counts, right?  i mean, geologically speaking, it's practically now...
i don't get dressed up very often.  you can tell, can't you...?  
(spot the wonky eyeliner...)


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